Winter league – squash – proposed division format – updated 25 August

Here is proposed format for mens winter league squash.  This has been done to incorporate team changes, team withdrawals and various requests.  If anyone has any strong objection, or notices any omissions etc – please let me know by end of play Wednesday 23 August.
Princes 1,  Duffield 1,  Burton 1,  The Manor 1,  Queens Park 1
Division 1
Lichfield 1,  Duffield 2,  Duffield 3,  Princes 2,  Hood Park 1,  Burton 2
Division 2
Duffield 4,  Queens Park 2,  Alfreton 1,  Duffield 5,  Burton 3
Division 3
Ashbourne 1,  Duffield 6,  Hood Park 2,  Duffield 7,  The Manor 2,  Burton 4, Alfreton 2
Division 4
Duffield 8,  Bradley House,  Hood Park 3, Queens Park 3,  Ashbourne 2, Burton 5